New Jersey's unemployment rate rose to 9.3% in August, the highest it has been in the last 25 years.
While New Jersey gained 13,000 private sector jobs last month, the first job growth in the state in 17 months, the economy remains so poor that another 7,100 people lost their jobs. New Jersey lost another 3,100 jobs in June.
Corzine is trying to spin the 13,000 increase in jobs as if he had something to do with it. His latest email states “13,000 private sector jobs were added last month because of our business-friendly policies.” Say what? He extended the 4% corporate tax surcharge, raised taxes 25 % on liquor, and picked Weinberg as his LG.
By picking Loretta Weinberg as his Lieutenant Governor he has made the Democratic Ticket even more anti-Taxpayer than it ever was. Weinberg has voted for every tax increase that ex-Governor Jim McGreevey wished for and every tax increase that Jon Corzine proposed. She has been a rubber stamp for tax increases the whole time she has been in the legislature and she will continue to be the poster girl for higher taxes while in the Governor’s office. Weinberg was never interested in cutting government expenditures or standing up to government unions; instead she has consistently supported ever increasing government.
With the passing of a $29 billion budget it increased taxes by almost $1 billion, eliminated property-tax deductions for the wealthiest residents and shaved billions from health care, higher education and other programs.
When New Jersey Treasurer David Rousseau was asked the question “In your observation, do you feel New Jerseyans are overtaxed?” Rousseau incredulously answered “No.”
Under Corzine, New Jersey’s state/local tax-burden percentage has gone from the third-highest in the country to the highest in the country.
Even before the recession Corzine condoned the state’s wasteful spending, the union pandering, giving public employees benefits the taxpayers can’t afford and refusing to take the necessary steps to end the hidden tax of public corruption. All part of his campaign which he promised to put an end to.
These tax increases have destroyed New Jersey’s economic and business environment, driven thousands of residents and businesses out of New Jersey and have made New Jersey one of the most unaffordable states in which to live.
Since the beginning of the recession in December 2007, New Jersey has lost 150,100 jobs.
While Jon Corzine is claiming he created 13,000 jobs, by the actions he has taken since his inauguration the facts speak differently. Faced with an unemployment toll that rose to 9.2 percent last month, the Corzine administration spin is that the loss of jobs in June was the smallest since the recession began. Tell that to the thousands of unemployed who are standing in a line that isn’t moving.
A combined total of eight years of McGreevey and Corzine burdening business with taxes, fees, and regulation has not only chased many business’s out of New Jersey, but has taken over 100,000 people with them.
The facts are:
• Since 2002, more than 230,000 people have left New Jersey.
• Over the last seven years, property taxes, on average, have risen almost 55 percent statewide and by 20 percent since Corzine took office.
• The current budget increased taxes on payroll, income, cigarettes, alcohol, lottery winnings and increasing DMV fees, for a total of $1 billion.
• The current budget will do nothing to balance next years obligations, and will only pay last years debt.
Unless New Jersey starts creating policies to bring industry back, the unemployed will still be standing in a line that not going to move.
Corzine can spin it however he wants, but bad news is bad news, and four more years of Corzine can only mean four more years of bad news.
Joe Sinagra
NJ 18th District Assembly Candidate
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