In running for Congress last year my stand was no to amnesty. The following is what I posted on my website:We are losing control of both northern and southern borders. We will eventually lose the right of self government as our future will be determined by citizens of other countries.
With well over 11.000.000 illegal aliens in the US, with more crossing our borders everyday the potential to control our own laws of society will be seriously undermined. Illegal immigration takes jobs away from minorities and those without higher education. Illegal immigration burdens our society with added education costs, the overcrowding of our schools, taxpayer-funded unreimbursed medical outlays for health care, also adding to the shortage of low income housing, and added increase in crime.
We must enforce our laws that were put in place to protect us as a nation, not create new ones. Eliminating the added costs of public services provided to illegal aliens, will more than pay for the cost of enforcement.
Anyone who is not here by invitation, must be required to leave. It is time to enforce our existing policies on immigration. I am opposed to illegal immigration and I will not support any amnesty program. I will work toward securing our borders and ending the influx of illegal migration into the United States.
“Until we bring our own house in order, until we decide how we are to continue funding Social Security, fund education, lower taxes; provide affordable health care and housing, for the legal citizens of this country, my stance is no to amnesty. We cannot afford to continue to raise taxes, provide programs and services with the sweat off the backs of legal citizens, to provide care for those who shouldn’t be here.”
– Joe Sinagra
As an assembly candidate this year I do not believe we are indebted as a state to absorb and assimilate illegal aliens into our society just because they are here.
Why is it that although it is illegal, if you can manage to sneak into this country you have now earned the right to remain here? I have no objection to those that leave and wish to reenter our country through the proper channels. I also believe that once you receive your citizenship, you are no longer an immigrant, you are an American.
Mr. Corzine, until recently has evaded the issue of illegal immigration. Contrary to what you may read or hear over 80% of the voters want our border secured and our existing immigration laws enforced.
When a country begins to have its future determined by citizens of other countries who manage to move in illegally, we lose our heritage, our values and cease to be a community as we know it. We are no longer self-governed, as others will determine our fate.
Immigrants with low education levels will continue to be a fiscal drain on citizens. Half of all adult illegal immigrants in the U.S. have less than a high school education.
If we were to have granted amnesty and let the millions of illegals already here become citizens, they would now have the right to bring their parents, spouses and minor children to live in the U.S. The long-term cost of government benefits to the parents of 10 million recipients of amnesty could run up to $30 billion per year or more. Their spouses and children would receive government services and now also have the right to become citizens.
Low–income households are provided with cash, non-cash, and social service assistance. Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, public housing, the earned income credit, and Medicaid, are provided to individuals and families. Those who do not qualify for Medicaid receive Charity Care.
The longer illegal families remain in the US receiving welfare benefits, the longer they will continue to remain on it as it becomes a way of life.
Since when did it become a right for an illegal to remain in the United States, and no longer it is considered a privilege?
Illegal aliens harbor diseases that American medicine fought and conquered long ago, such as tuberculosis,malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue, and Chagas disease.
Most illegal aliens do not have health insurance and need to resort to public assistance.
Free medical care has closed many of New Jersey’s finest emergency medical facilities, and caused hospital bankruptcies. St. Peter’s in New Brunswick had recently laid off 58 employees and has closed over 200 hiring positions. Many of our hospitals are required to accept Charity Care.
In the past decade, 17 New Jersey hospitals have also closed their doors, more than half of the state’s hospitals are losing money and three hospitals have filed for bankruptcy in the past year.
Uninsured people receive medical care in hospital emergency departments (EDs) under the coercive Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1985 (EMTALA), which obligates hospitals to treat the uninsured but does not pay for that care.
Just 10 million illegal immigrants residing in America, make up nearly 25 percent of the uninsured.
We are also not immune from crime due to the influx of illegal immigration.
The following is from
Statistics point to significantly higher crime rates in the illegal immigrant population. Document forgery, identity theft, and illegal use of stolen Social Security Numbers are nearly universal among illegals. But consider this data regarding hard crime: In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.
Illegals kill 9,000 people annually. According to US Representative Steve King (R-IA), illegal aliens commit 12 murders every day in the U.S. and kill another 13 daily through drunk driving incidents. That’s more than 9,000 people killed every year by illegal aliens.
As World Net Daily’s Joseph Farah points out, that means more people are murdered by illegal aliens in one year than have been killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars since their inception.
Rep. King also notes that on average eight children are sexually abused by illegal aliens every day — that’s over 2,920 annually. That’s just a small portion of the illegal alien crime wave, over
4.1 million crimes are committed by illegal aliens.
Each year tens of thousands of violent crimes are committed against our children by predatory aliens who should never have been allowed to enter or stay in our country. Many illegal aliens come here with an anti-American attitude.
Except for breaking immigration laws, most illegal aliens are law abiding; however, there is a significant percentage of illegal aliens who have no respect for the rule of law and our legal customs.
New Jersey spends more than $2.1 billion annually on public expenditures for education, medical care, and incarceration for the estimated 372,000 illegal aliens residing in the state.
Our laws are not broken; we need to provide the manpower to enforce the laws already on the books. Our borders must be secured. We need to stop the influx of illegal immigration first before we can deal with those who are already here illegally.
Immigration itself is not the problem, illegal immigration is.
Joe Sinagra
NJ 18th District
Assembly Candidate
new jersey once was the garden state. hmmmmmm now it is the guardless state. i once lived and worked in nj and people from out of state came to work in nj and went home on weekends. what is happening now is that immigrants come to work here and don't go back. imagine what would happen to you if you went to another country and demonstrated because your rights in that country were violated and you were there illegaly. you wouldn't be brought back to the border, you'd be shot. there is no time like the present to take care of the future. what do you think the democraps would do if they get in power in november. they wouldn't take us out of iraq but they say that 'cause they know that's what you want to hear. the first thing on their list is raise taxes. when clinton was in our taxes were higher than during WW11. he was determined to balance the budget and to hell with everything else. and when he left the white house it was a mess. obama lama thinks he is president material after only a short time in the senate. what makes a person qualified to be president. the dems think it is by how much money they can get donated to them. dole quit his office to run for office, how is hilary doing her job as senator and accepting her pay and spending all of her time campaigning. wake up people before you can't.
new jersey once was the garden state. hmmmmmm now it is the guardless state. i once lived and worked in nj and people from out of state came to work in nj and went home on weekends. what is happening now is that immigrants come to work here and don't go back. imagine what would happen to you if you went to another country and demonstrated because your rights in that country were violated and you were there illegaly. you wouldn't be brought back to the border, you'd be shot. there is no time like the present to take care of the future. what do you think the democraps would do if they get in power in november. they wouldn't take us out of iraq but they say that 'cause they know that's what you want to hear. the first thing on their list is raise taxes. when clinton was in our taxes were higher than during WW11. he was determined to balance the budget and to hell with everything else. and when he left the white house it was a mess. obama lama thinks he is president material after only a short time in the senate. what makes a person qualified to be president. the dems think it is by how much money they can get donated to them. dole quit his office to run for office, how is hilary doing her job as senator and accepting her pay and spending all of her time campaigning. wake up people before you can't.
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